Welcome to Keen Fighter!

Hi there! My name is Velin Dragoev. I’m from Bulgaria, and I come from a family with a long tradition in martial arts. I’ve been training a little over 19 years now. I started when I was 12, at my father – Bozhidar Stanchev’s – martial arts school – Xuangui Kungfu (which he and his best friend – Valeri Ivanov – founded in 1995).
My first martial art was Eskrima (the Filipino martial art). I was obsessed with the rhythm of the sticks and how fast my reactions had to be. I also loved the so-called “Dirty Boxing” Eskrima is famous for. Soon, I branched off to a whole array of other martial arts – both traditional and contemporary – Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, Shao Lin, Grappling, BJJ, boxing… And at the moment I continue to practice each of them with a different frequency.

My parents and I travel to many countries around the world to attend seminars in different martial arts. We’re led by the idea of meeting the most remarkable martial arts masters alive today, because our philosophy is that the more diverse your experience, the more you can enrich your art and see the applications of its principles.
What I love about martial arts is that you’re never done with them. They’re not just a way of staying in shape, to defend yourself, or to gain self-confidence. They are all that, and so much more. To me, martial arts are a way of life, and a part of me that is vital for the way I go about my life. They’re something you train your entire life, and something you constantly become better at.
This is why I always look for ways to develop my skills further. Be it through еvery day work on old techniques that have served me in the past, or by trying new things, or even new martial arts.
Training martial arts has made me into the person I am today. And, as I have a personal belief that every good experience should be shared,
My Mission on this site is:
- To help people who are already “on the way” of martial arts improve their practice and achieve their best.
- Help guide those who haven’t yet tried any martial art, but want to have a healthy lifestyle, and enrich their lives and experiences.
How is my content created?

The whole content of this site is chosen, written, edited and posted by me personally to ensure it meets the highest quality standards. I’m the only administrator and if it happen another writers to be used for some of the articles, nothing can be uploaded and visible online without my explicit permission. The reason doing that is because for me is crucial to guarantee that all published information is accurate and you can count on it in your trainings and practice.
Can you trust all this?
- Everything on this site is based on my experience, forged during my everyday practice, and supported by my family’s tradition in martial arts
- All my content is a result of the extensive research I do for every single article, as well as my direct impressions from the various sports and martial arts equipment
Why should you read Keen Fighter?
I’d say it’s because you want to drastically improve your training experience. That way you can train for as long as possible, and continue getting benefits out of your physical exercises that can improve all aspects of your life – whether you want to compete in tournaments, get in shape, learn self-defense, or become a better and more self-conscious person.

If any of these statements resonate with you, chances are you’ll enjoy the content on this site:
- You want to become a better martial artist
- You want to train and be healthy for a long time, long after you’re not young anymore
- You want to train without discomfort or injuries caused by wrong or poor quality equipment
- You want advice about equipment based on actual customer experience, and not on commercial sales
If any of this sounds like something you can get behind, I look forward to having you read the content on this site. You can start by reading some of my guides here!
If you want to get in touch with me, you can do so by email, Facebook or Instagram!